Obi joined our family in early April 2006 when he was 3 months old. We had been persuaded to get him by our young adults (age 20 and 23!). We did not know too much about dogs at that point. Obi was the smallest of his litter and was very small for his age. He had some upset tummy problems for a while but with the help of the vet a bug was sorted out. He grew quickly and doubled and trebled his weight before we knew it.
In October 2006 our Vet could see there was something wrong. Obi's back legs had muscle wastage. They x-rayed the hips and it was clear he had Hip Dysplasia. He was referred to a specialist who offered to carry out a hip replacement as soon as he was 11 months old. He would not do it on a younger dog presumably because the bones are still growing.
It was a nervous time when he was first allowed off the lead after all this. He had not been able to interact normally with other dogs and would run off to say hello as soon as anyone came into sight. We did not know if rough play with other dogs would damage his new hips. The specialist vet had said he should be allowed full contact with other dogs but to try to avoid allowing one to get on his back. Crawling under a stile was not a great idea either. It was still a worry at first when the play got a bit rough. Happily now Obi is used to playing with other dogs. He will quickly come away if called (usually) and we don't worry about the hips now.
At the end of June 2007 he was "discharged" and needs no further check ups.
Today he is virtually a normal dog. His muscles are restored, he loves to run and chase a ball, his back legs are athletically spread when he stands and both legs turn out from the body when he sits. He still has a swagger when he walks but also a canter where the hips do not swing. He does not run as quite as athletically as a normal dog but seems to still be improving 11 months after the second operation. I think his muscles shortened or did not stretch into a normal length when he was small. Perhaps now they are gradually becoming more normal. The operations have definitely been worth it. He is a well known character among the dog walking fraternity where we live. People frequently remark about how happy, lively, playful or puppy like he is. The operation and immediate recovery did not seem to be too painful and the long term benefits are obvious. It was an expensive process with the final bill amounting to about £11,000 but Fortunately our insurance paid. It has certainly given Obi a full and active life which was exactly what we hoped for. |